Friday, February 22, 2008

Comfortably Numb

How else can I explain it, except that I see no reason to be upset? I can not even cry. Well, even if I wanted to, I still can't; actually, they're too dry even for comfort. In fact, I think I'll go to sleep after this.

How's this for a start: I needed a good letdown. And that was a good letdown. It's always comforting to know that the universe is still crankin' out good old-fashioned karma. And even if I'm the intended recipient, it's all good. No biggie, universe.

Excuse my crudeness, but we all deserved a good kick in the head. So now we clean up our mess, wipe our sniveling noses, and do better. That's all there is to it. No "what-ifs," no 'If-I-hads, no expressions of regret, please. As far as I know, there are much more effed-up things to howl about. And this? This is but a pinprick.
You're my friend. I know this just bites. I just don't get all the sobbing, that's all.

As for me, I just feel good living in this world. This wonderful world full of suffering and also of overcoming, of unsuspecting strangers that you want to console and hug 'cause they have such sad faces and you don't understand, "what's with all the sobbing?"

And this is me probably doing crazy-speak, but let me reassure you: I took no illegal substances. In fact, all I remember taking today is a good breakfast. And after that I sang some Pink Floyd. And I saw a glorious afternoon. This made me feel so good, that when they broke the "bad" news, I could no longer wipe the grin off my face. And suddenly they were looking a bit teary-eyed, and I furrowed my brows 'cause I didn't understand. That's when I asked, "what's with all the sobbing?"

Ah, but I do not care to understand. At this point I think I'll just relish in this comfortable feeling of numbness, 'cause I'm not sure when I'll be served a good breakfast.

But for now I really need to sleep.
